A review of "Dracula Untold"

A review of "Dracula Untold"

'Dracula Untold' is one of the first movies in a long time that I've called 'a dude movie.' As someone who loves action, thriller, superhero, and other movies that are typically created to appeal to guys, 'Dracula' was a conflicting experience for me.

Visually, it's gorgeous. The cinematography is excellent, the special effects and CGI are well done, the sets and weapons are beautiful ' but many other aspects fall short.

The plot is fast, not getting too bogged down in details, but simultaneously not painting enough of a backdrop. As a result, few plot points are very well developed. The conflict that Vlad the Impaler faces as he becomes a vampire is hardly touched on, as is his dark past, the legend of the vampires themselves and his romance with his wife. While I enjoyed what the movie skimmed over, I was left wondering what the actual point was. Is Vlad attempting to save his kingdom, his family or just his fearsome reputation?

Some things I loved; however, were the historical details that were used to set up an admittedly over-the-top story. The real Vlad did indeed fight the Turks, leaving fields of bodies propped on spears in his wake. The Romanian prince who became known as Dracula ('son of the dragon'), however, was far more fearsome in real life, despite his inability to turn into a swarm of bats. His victims were rumored to have numbered as many as 100,000, and his cruelty was the basis for the original 'Dracula' novel.

If you have a couple hours to kill and want to see an army get destroyed by a giant fist made of bats? Hit up the theater. If a real gory, nightmare-inducing tale is what you're looking for, skip 'Dracula Untold' and brush up on your Transylvanian history.

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