Three things for November 11

Three things for November 11

1. US pauses to celebrate Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. To celebrate veterans, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt granted Gold Star Families and U.S. military veterans free access to national parks, wildlife refuges and other sites managed by the Department of the Interior.

Bernhardt’s decision will commence on Veterans Day as a ‘thank you’ to those who served.

These families and individuals will have free access to nearly 2,000 public locations spread across 400 million acres of land for life.

“With the utmost respect and gratitude, we are granting veterans and Gold Star families free access to the iconic and treasured lands they fought to protect starting this Veterans Day and every single day thereafter,” said Bernhardt.

2. Xbox releases new Xbox Series X and Series S console

Microsoft released their new console on Nov. 10, saying “next-gen performances come in all sizes.” The new compact console design is similar to a PC tower, standing vertically or horizontally, mindful of entertainment space.

The new console features an improved backward capability feature, up to 8K resolution and games exclusive to Xbox.

The new Xbox will be competing with Sony’s PS5, which is planned to be released Nov. 12.

According to Forbes, “Two of the most crucial advantages the Xbox Series X has over the PS5 have to do with value and accessibility.”

Microsoft uses an All Access program so customers can purchase the console through a payment plan, spreading the cost out between two years.

3. ‘Is Anyone Listening?’ vigil to be held Thursday night

Senior sports management major Joseph Mbemba, in a combined effort with Lee’s Office of Racial and Ethnic Relations, Residential Life and Housing and Evangelistic Singers, organized a candlelight vigil to honor the victims of police brutality and racial injustice.

Mbemba’s goal is to give students of color a platform to share their experiences with racism on campus and encourage his peers to continue unifying against racial inequality in America.

The vigil will take place at the Alumni Amphitheater from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12. In the event of rain, the vigil will be moved to the Dixon Center. Limited seating is available, so spots must be reserved.

For updates and more information, check out the LeeUEvents page on Instagram.

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