Three things for February 3

Three things for February 3

1. Chiefs win their first Super Bowl in 50 years

Last night, the Chiefs took home a win against the San Francisco 49ers with a score of 31-20.

The team made a comeback in the fourth quarter and secured the title of 2020 Super Bowl champion. This is the first time the team has won since 1970.

2. US officials confirm 11 cases of coronavirus

The coronavirus has now made its way to the United States, with a reported 11 cases so far.

CNN released the news late Thursday night, citing Illinois as the first state to transmit the disease by person-to-person contact.

“The second case in Illinois is the only instance so far of person-to-person transmission in the United States,” state health officials told CNN.

The Trump administration has also taken action, announcing travel restrictions to those coming to the U.S. from China and declaring the virus a public health emergency. CDC Director Robert Redfield released a statement on Friday.

"It really is intended to stop the spread of this virus," Redfield said.

To see the White House announcement, click here.

3. Punxsutawney Phil foresees an early spring

Pennsylvania’s groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, was unable to see his shadow at sunrise on Sunday, predicting an early spring. 

According to CBS Pittsburg, Phil is only accurate around “40 percent of the time” when it comes to his predictions.

Officials told CBS Pittsburgh, “the prediction for an early spring has never happened twice in a row and has only happened 20 times in the 134-year history of Groundhog Day.”

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